Photography has always been my personal hobby, My Dad gives me his personal Nikon F2 with a 28mm manual lens when I was about 15 years old, he told me how to tell the story in our family trips with a single 30 expositions film, this teaches me to prevent to shoot like a happy fringer trigger, I learned to be careful to select what I like and turns me more into a moment/beauty photographer instead of being a fashion/action photographer.

Black and white photography is my favorite art, I always plan my work and do everything I can to plan my work ahead to ensure great images.

Back in Mexico I owned a personal photo studio where I was able to freeze time, capturing the beauty of my models through my camera, or create tastier product shots, or also make people ribbon or nervous smile with a simple image, having the power of change your mind for a second through a single photography and left a beautiful life impression is my goal.

I will love to share all my work but I selected a few examples of images with the models and families who give me their permission to use them as an example of my work, this is also a more personal section because is my personal hobby and I don’t do this kind of job if I don’t
feel inspired.
* All the fashion and glamour images I selected for this portfolio were carefully planned and the production involved professional makeup, stylist, professional models and set production with a high budget involved for magazines in Mexico and Spain, plus days of planning, none of the images were the result of a lucky day in the field, the family events were also arranged along with the event organizer and the locations were previously chosen and scheduled the photo shoot for the season of the year and what time of the day these images had to be taken because of the natural sun illumination.
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